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Green Plant

Love 'N Light Healing: Your Path to Wellness

A Natural Way to Heal

I am a Usui Reiki Master incorporating crystals and essential oils into my treatments. During Angel messages I receive messages from your guides/loved ones

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My Services


Reiki healing originates from a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It is designed to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Reiki encourages your own innate ability to maintain a sense of balance and harmony.


Animal Connection

In an animal communication session you will be able to ask questions about what your animal likes/dislikes. Our animals often mirror us, so what is your animal here to teach you? Animals are very intuitive, and are often more aware of what we are feeling or being than we are.

Distance Healing

Receive a healing session without leaving the comfort of your home. I will energetically connect with your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. I receive universal guidance as well as psychic impressions on where your blocks or struggles may be, this accomplsihed through e-mail or phone. E-transfer must be received prior to the session.

Snowy Mountain Sunset
Healing Touch Therapy_1

Access Bars

There are 32 bars of energy focusing on the head region to connect to different aspects of your life, money, communication, aging, body, hopes and dreams, joy and sadness, control, etc. These bars store electromagnetic components to all your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, ideas and decisions you have ever had. By holding these bars it unlocks and clears away energy that may be blocking you in some area of your life. Each session can release up to 5-10,000 years of limitations in that area of your life.

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About Me

My goal is to provide a safe, tranquil environment that promotes healing from within and deep relaxation. I currently offer various healing modalities including teaching Usui Reiki. I am committed to providing my clients with the highest standards of professionalism, respect, and confidentiality.

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LOVE Letter Stamps

Cash and E-transfer Accepted

  • Reiki- $80 per 1 hour session

  • Bars - $80 per session, time varies

  • Animal Connection- $80 per session, time varies 

  • Distance Healing - $80 per session, within a week of E-transfer

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I Donna Spencer will connect to the world of Spirit and will gain insight using my psychic awareness. The intuitive counselling I provide is for guidance only, what you decide to do with the information provided, including the actions you take is your own personal responsibility and choice. All readings and answered questions should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological,  business, or fact. This information is subject to your own interpretation and judgment. My services are not a substitute for professional services, it is advised you seek a qualified relevant expert.

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"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without"

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409- 1st street Turtleford SK Canada S0M 2Y0




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